Similarly to how we encourage members to effectively run meetings, we want everyone to enjoy their projects! A project doesn’t start, run, and end over night. A “successful” project always has a clear structure including running them. Below are some best practices in effectively running projects so that everyone can excite themselves during the process.
Why did the project become a project in the first place? What is the goal of the project? Make sure that project members are aligned with this so everyone has a clear vision throughout the entire project life cycle.
Are there rough milestones? Do you have a tentative deadline that the team should strive to complete the project by? Even if there is not a rigid deadline, it's important to understand the steps within the project life cycle. This breaks down the projects into actionable steps with specific timelines.
The sooner you know who is doing what, the better it is because the chances are... the project may run smoother. This is always tricky to define early on especially when projects just formed on the spot. Never too late though. When you find that the project tasks are not happening as you expected, don't hesitate to regroup with your project members to discuss "Who is doing what?".